My Husband’s Day of Birth- The Red Headed Hostess
It’s my husband’s day of birth! He turns thirty today.
So… of course we had to make a big deal about it.
July 8th is a pretty important day in my life now, since that is when he came into this world.
And July 7th better be an important day to him… since that is my day.
Isn’t that funny? We figured that out on our first date.
We drove the same car too. And that is a whole other story.
We decided that since he LOVES fireworks, we should combine his birthday with all of his secret pyro-mania desires….
I mean, who doesn’t want fireworks on their birthday?
To kick the night off, we made a list of 30 reasons we love him.
I particularly like #13
… and in case you are wondering, my brother wrote #12
I noted that one of my nieces claimed the last two right away… I guess it is pretty convenient to have an uncle that has an ice cream store.
The sidewalk list prompted one of my neices to make her own list.
And by the way, that chalkboard to the left is just black foam core (costing $2.99) sprayed with chalkboard paint…. a quick way to make an interesting sign.
My husband really deserves to feel as loved as possible…
Because he has made really good use of his first thirty years here.
And we are all lucky to have him in our lives.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday for yourself. Thanks for being such an inspiration in my life.
Hi Shannon, It’s Vickie, again, with another coincidence of our seemingly parallell lives. 1. You live in the same house I used to live in. (It’s much cuter now.) 2. You are married to my cousin’s son. 3. My husband’s birthday is also, July 8th and mine is July 5th.
I hope you both had wonderful birthdays. We did ☺. You can’t beat fireworks for your birthday ❊✫❉☆✺✳✧✶.
We just got a reminder of the Austin Udy Reunion from Doris in the mail yesterday. I do hope you are both going to be there. I can’t wait to meet you❢
I love seeing the joy you have brought to “The Little House”.
♥ Vickie ♥
ha. My husbands birthday is the day before mine too! I say its a little unfair as he steals all the glory the day before 🙂 We often go out on the night of his birthday as it is the middle of both, I really do love sharing our birthday as we call it. It is close to christmas so there is usually no money left for nice gifts, so we just have dinner out or share our two ‘days’. It makes our marriage feel even more special to share our birthdays as well I say