The “3 TIMES” Scripture Block Study Tip- The Red Headed Hostess
When I want to really dig into some scriptures – this is what I do.
I read the scripture block I am studying THREE times.
One… two… three times.
On the first read – I am just looking to get a basic understanding.
So in the picture above, in this set of scriptures, all I have is a page title and some sections that I have previously written. Otherwise, the page is basically clean.
On the first read I used a light blue pen and I just marked the things that stood out to me.
Some thoughts, definitions, circling, underlining… that sort of thing.
And I could have stopped here….
But I am glad I didn’t because I would have missed this:
This second time through I used a purple pen and this time I saw a lot of things that I had previously missed.
This time I am looking for more insights, reading-between-line moments, doctrinal teachings, principles, and relevant teachings to my life.
I am always surprised by how much I missed the first time!!
I believe this happens for a few reasons:
1- Â I am not learning or reviewing the story this time but rather looking for more.
2- Â I have slowed down and given the Spirit time to reveal things
3- Â I have slowed down and given the Spirit time to reveal things
4- I have slowed down and given … you get the picture.
I also may do some studying and marking like this:
This is a sticky note where I have studied some of the different types of people mentioned in this chapter. Â And this sticky note will now go directly on this page for future reference.
The third time through I used a green pen.
And I started writing my thoughts down on paper… because they could no longer fit in my margins.
*Please excuse the light change in the photography… I moved out onto my deck… it was lovely.
I don’t know how to sufficiently express how surprised I always am on the amount of depth you can find in one verse.
And I always wish that I had already paid the price to uncover the wisdom and teachings that had been buried there.
You may be wondering why you aren’t seeing a picture of my scripture journals above. Â Simple:
Because as I continue to write, I will gain more insights to what is above, and my pages will look like this.
And I don’t want my journals to be crossed out and hard to read, so when I am satisfied, I will then transfer this over to my bound journal.
When I am done, I will easily have 3 pages front and back. Â And if you are sitting there thinking that you can’t do this for yourself… YOU ARE WRONG.
You can.  It may not happen the first time you sit down and try this… but then again it might.  This is a Gift of the Spirit that we all can ask for and receive.  We are all Heavenly Father’s children made in his image – physically and spiritually.  We can and must learn how to  learn pure knowledge.
Its part of the program.
Thank you for sharing these details and insights. I have learned so much from you and I now REALLY enjoy reading and studying my scriptures in ways I never imagined.
This is wonderful!! I learn so much each time I read your site.
I check your website daily now for all the little insights and thoughts you have! LOVE IT!!
You’re my hero! Thank you so much for posting in-depth, how-to posts like this, I desperately want to learn how to really study the scriptures!
You’re amazing!!!! I keep saying that! 🙂 Thank you so much….I’m going to work on this for my summer project, maybe by the time seminary starts again, I will have learned a lot more! Still coming up the end of July and would love to meet you at the ice cream store! You are such a blessing in my life!
Thank you for all your help. I am always grateful for any help I receive from you.
We are excited and energized by your suggestions! Even my 15 year-old daughter is setting up a scripture journal of her own. We love the weekly quotes too! Thanks for doing all the hard work, then letting us use it!
Do you do this with each journal entry? Is that how you make your journals look so nice? You first write out your thoughts and impressions on paper and then copy the final draft into your journal?
I don’t do this every time – but I do it a lot. I highly recommend doing it this way because you will most likely have more complete and valuable content than your first time around. 🙂
Thanks! Shannon
What brand of colored pens do you use that don’t bleed through your scriptures to the other side?
Lora –
Go to this post for my favorite pens. However, in that picture I was using some colored Bics or something. It really is hit or miss. Most ball point pens work pretty well. 🙂
I Love this. Today i was reading a verse and stopped to ponder it, and new ideas came to my mind. But did i write them down, No! Bad me! But i am going to do this now and read through it again and again and again and slow my self down and not just read through it. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful talent, so that we can learn and grow in the important things.
I LOVE your posts. I love your tips and your enthusiasm. I am definitely doing to do better at my scripture study and hopefully someday I will be able to learn as much as you do. Thank you so much for sharing.
Quick Question-When you transfer this to your journal, do you make a new journal page just for this section in the scriptures-or do you add different facts and insight to different pages in your journal according to topic?
Thank you for reminding me to read through more than once to let the Spirit reveal what the Lord’s prepared for us to learn. I’m pretty good with the one time read through and marking lots. Then I feel good about my studying and move on. But I’m in love with this idea of going back again and again.
thanks so much for posting this, it is amazing and just what I needed for a kick in the pants 🙂 I really enjoy all you post
Thank you so much. im sixteen years old and I am going to do the scripture journal as a ten hour project. Your ideas are so cute, and i love the quotes!!! i cant wait to get started!!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your tips on studying the bible! I have a horrible time trying to understand what i read. I love reading my bible, but more often than not, I don’t understand what I’m reading.
How do you block out which scriptures to study? (Well I know you draw a line above and below the scriptures..haha, but how do you decide which scriptures go with what and when to separate them?
Question, now that you have switched to your printed journals, are you still working out all your details and thoughts on separate paper and transferring when you are done to the new journals?
This is beautiful and an answer to prayers. I have been getting bored just simply reading and wanting to go deeper but everything I found was to intimadating. God bless you for sharing 🙂
I found this website through Pinterest and think it’s great. I know that you probably get this a lot, but what bible are you using. I see that you included a pdf file to help those following along. As the new year is now upon us I am trying to deepen my relationship with God and think there are great resources here for me to use. So kudos and keep up the good work. Have a great year and God Bless!
Hi Erica!
I use the King James Version of the Bible. What do you use?
Thank you for sharing the blessing you received from the Holy Spirit. I find your insight and teachings easy to follow and very wise. I will add this to my studies. Thank you and God bless!!
I use the KJV as well. Sometimes its hard to understand a passage and you just need to break it down. The resources that you have provided have been a great addition and was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again!
for more ideas about marking up Scriptures and looking for key words check out Precept Ministries – they have an inductive study system that really inspires too 🙂
Deb E
I do this also with Conference talks. I read a talk each day as I dry my hair—takes just about the same amount of time to do both simultaneously. When I am finished with the entire issue, I start at the beginning and do it again. I keep reading/re-reading/pondering one talk per day. When I am on the 2nd/3rd/4th go-around, I spend a lot of time on the Notes of the talk. There are some speakers that have particularly detailed notes—and I LOVE reading these and considering them. Changing this one habit has really blessed my life with increased wisdom from the brethren, but even moreso, increased inspiration from the Spirit.
Thanks for this great post—we can’t get by with just “reading”.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I NEEDED to see this today!! This post is an answer to prayer. You didn’t know you were writing it for me did you? Haha! Thank you again! You have helped me in ways I cannot express today! Thank you!
Thank you! I have seperate 3 ring binder for the book of Enos. I have written a small book essentially and I still have more to put in it. I am loving every minute I spend there. Again, thank you for showing me a way to studying the scriptures that makes sense to me and works for me.
Love you Shannon….you’re such an inspiration!
I love this! I have never really sat down to study my scriptures like I want to. Lately I’ve been doing really well at getting daily reading done at least. I started in Genesis, set an alarm on my phone for a little while after the kids go to bed and the house is quiet and this is when I’m supposed to read them so I have time to actually study them a bit as well (I have bought some of your journals!). The problem is that I end up reading them after I crawl into bed once my husband is home about midnight then I quickly do my reading and go to sleep. Even just doing this I’ve noticed so much more than I used to when reading them. Maybe I just wasn’t at the spiritual level to absorb it then. He’ll be going to AM shift soon so I plan on changing my routine to getting him off to work before dawn, STUDYING my scriptures, going over my kids’ homeschool lesson plan, breakfast for the kiddos then starting our school day off with scripture study at their level then their other classes. Switching to a new curriculum with our homeschooling helps since the scripture study is built right in.
You are such an inspiration to me. I have slowly been coming around to a desire to be a better student of the scriptures. I started with creating a scripture journal a couple of years ago but have been afraid to mess it up and quite honestly, just did not know quite how and where to start. This year I feel an urgency or hunger to study them deeply and your tips are wonderful for giving me ideas and courage to just do it. I feel a real need to fortify myself and my family by feasting on the scriptures.
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do to encourage and help us learn to love the scriptures and learn from the scriptures. May you and your family be blessed for your efforts.