2018 Young Women Leader Binder Items – Peace in Christ (PDF Downloads)

$ 15.00

This combo kit is also included in our Ultimate Young Women Leader Kit at an even larger discount.

See below for details on what is included in this kit.

Sold By : The Red Headed Hostess SKU: 1201 Category:


2018 Binder Covers, Spine Inserts, and Objective/Responsibilities back cover

Keep the 2018 LDS mutual theme at your fingertips with these binder prints that illustrate the mutual theme to “Peace in Christ” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:23).
You will receive all of the following:
1-  Four Binder Covers
You can choose the cover that best fits your style or needs.  They include two “printer-friendly” versions where we have removed some saturated colors in order to use less of your color ink as you print.
2-  Spine Inserts
To slip into your binder spines, these inserts say “young women leader” or “class presidency”.  You will receive 1 inch, 1.5 inch, and 2 inch inserts.
3-  Objective and Responsibilities for back cover
Keep a list of the objective of the young women program, as well as a list of leader or class presidency responsibilities on the back of your binders so you can reference and act on them often.
These Personal progress/ Honor Bee Trackers are fully editable – which means you can type or mark directly onto this PDF, save, and make copies for all leaders.  This is a great way to keep all leaders up-to-date on everyone’s progress.
Personal Progress Tracker:
These trackers help you track three girls per page.  Each tracker allows you to type the girl’s name and mark each experience and project she has completed. With this tracker you can do all of the following:
– Mark off her experiences as she completes them.
– Keep track of her personalized experiences and what she did for them.
– Keep a brief explanation of each value project she completes.
– Mark each book in the Book of Mormon as she completes it so you can follow her progress with her Virtue project.
– Keep individual notes for each girl.
– Keep track of the callings each girl has had while in YW.
– Keep track of her speaking and teaching opportunities.
– Keep track of her bishop interview dates (just to make sure she has had them).
– Keep notes of other accomplishments (Patriarchal Blessings, school accomplishments, etc.).
Every few months you could print your tracker for each girl, cut them into individual strips, and give to each YW.  This can help her see which experiences and projects she hasn’t yet reported so you can keep accurate records.
Honor Bee Tracker:
This Honor Bee tracker also tracks three girls per page.  You can type each girl’s name and mark her service hours and Book of Mormon reading.  With this tracker you can do all of the following:
–  Mark off her service hours as she completes them.
–  Type (or write) a brief explanation of her service hours.
–  Mark each book in the Book of Mormon as she completes it.
– Keep individual notes for each girl.
– Keep track of the callings each girl has had while in YW.
– Keep track of her speaking and teaching opportunities.
– Keep track of her bishop interview dates (just to make sure she has had them).
– Keep notes of other accomplishments (Patriarchal Blessings, school accomplishments, etc.).
* These trackers are excellent items to put into leader binders.
Leader Directory (exclusive to this combo kit)
This fully-editable Young Women Leader Directory allows you to give leaders, girls, and parents a directory to reference easily.  You can type directly onto this PDF, save, and then print or email.
This leader directory contains spaces for the bishopric, young women presidency, advisors, class presidencies, and other positions such as camp director.
* This directory is excellent to put into leader and class presidency binders
* This is useful to give new Beehives or move-ins.
Activity Planning Guide (exclusive to this combo kit)
This fully-editable activity planning guide can help your leaders and class presidencies easily plan the weekly activities.
These can be filled-in by hand or on the computer since this PDF can be typed upon and then printed.  If you type directly on this PDF, you can email other leaders and girls the agenda so everyone can know what is happening and what their assignments are.
* This is excellent to put into leader and class presidency binders
Young Women Meeting Agenda (exclusive to this combo kit)
This fully-editable meeting agenda can be used for leader meetings or class presidency meetings.  You can type directly upon this PDF so you can email the agenda out ahead of time, or fill it with meeting notes for those who missed the meeting.
This agenda will help you do all of the following in your meetings:
1.  Opening prayer and spiritual thought.
2.  Leadership Training (Read a section from the Handbook or pick a topic about leadership or teaching).
3.  Discuss the needs of individual girls and make a list of action items.
4.  Discuss Personal Progress goals.
5.  Discuss and plan Activities and other calendar items.
6.  Discuss what you can do that month to help the young women live the 2018 LDS mutual theme.
7.  Other – personalize this section according to your needs.
8.  There is a spot where each leader can note her assignments from the meeting.
9.  Closing prayer.
10.  There is a list of the objectives of the young women program to help keep all planning centered on these important goals.
* This is excellent to put into leader and class presidency binders.
Young Women 2017 Lesson List (exclusive to this combo kit)
Keep a list of all the young women lessons at your fingertips with this print!  This PDF contains all of the lesson titles available to teach the young women in 2017.
This list can be especially useful as you show it to those you teach and ask them which lesson titles represent lessons they would like to learn about.
* This is excellent to put into leader and class presidency binders.
Leader Responsibilities (exclusive to this combo kit)
Keep a list of the objective of the young women program as well as a list of leader and class presidency responsibilities in your binders or booklets so everyone has a clear understanding of their roles and can reference and act on them often.
180+ Young Women Activity Ideas (exclusive to this combo kit)
Include all of these awesome young women activity ideas in your binders or booklets so your presidencies can reference it while planning mutual activities.  There are over 180 ideas, plus spaces to write your own ideas.
These ideas are organized by category.  The categories are:
1.  Spiritual
2.  Missionary
3.  Fun
4.  Service
5.  Physical
6.  Skills
7.  Bonding
8.  Holidays
* You could also print these ideas and have all the YW go through the list and circle their favorite ideas.
Binder Note Pages (exclusive to this combo kit)
Print these note pages 10 to 20 times for each binder or booklet so your leaders have places to take notes, write inspired thoughts, make goals, etc.
Special Event Planning Sheet (exclusive to this combo kit)
This fully editable PDF can help your leaders and presidencies plan special events such as New Beginnings, Young Women in Excellence, and Standards Night.
They will consider all of the following:
1-   Date, time, location.
2-   Budget.
3-  What the Handbook says about this event.
4-  Goal of event.
5-  Decorations / Theme.
6-  Food/Drinks.
7-  The outline of the event.
8-  Items and set up needed.
9-  Assignments.
Since you can type directly on this PDF,  you can make a final draft, type it up, and email it out to all leaders so everyone can know the outline and what their assignments are.
*NOTE: The Young Women Picture Directories will require PDF editing software in order to insert a .jpg picture digitally.  You will be able to type on the PDF’s like normal.  Either Adobe Pro, Illustrator, or various other PDF’s editing software services will work.  Some are free, others are not.
This editable PDF can allow you to have a picture directory with photos and contact information for each young women.
This picture directory can be very valuable for your group as it can be used for any of the following purposes:
– To help new leaders learn the names of the young women
– To help the young women learn the names of all other young women
– To give to new Beehives or girls who just moved in
– To help the bishopric learn the names of all the young women
– To help stake leaders learn the names of all the young women
The free Adobe reader that most people have does not allow you to add photos.  This product contains 3 suggestions on how to add photos to this PDF.
Young Women Directory (no pictures)(exclusive to this combo kit)
If you prefer a non-picture directory, this editable PDF makes it very easy to type the information for each girl by class and then print or email the information to other leaders, presidency members, girls, or parents.
* This is excellent to put into leader and class presidency binders.
Editable Birthday List (exclusive to this combo kit)
This editable PDF allows you to type in each girl’s birthday under the month her birthday occurs.  This can be added to your binders or can be particularly useful if hung on the inside door of your church cupboard.
This editable calendar makes it incredibly easy for any person or organization to type information into the boxes, save, and then print or email.
There are editable boxes within every box in this calendar so you can type directly on this PDF.  The bottom of each month has a place for you to type “goals” and “notes”.
Some young women information you may want to include on this PDF are:
1.  Who is conducting each month
2.  Who is in charge of various combined activities
3.  Teaching assignments
4.  Mutual activities
5.  Region dances
6.  Summer events
7.  School events
8.  Birthdays
9.  Holidays


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This file cannot be given to anyone else.  You may give a printed copy but not the actual digital file.  In order to own a digital file it must be purchased.

This file is never to be emailed to anyone else for the purpose of giving it to them or sharing it with them.  In order to own a file it must be purchased.

Do not post this file, or images from this file on a blog, website or anything like it for the purpose of giving it away or selling it.  If you wish to share about this book then you may use our display pictures.

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*Anything that is not meant for the intended use of this book which is for personal, family or classroom use.  We are offering this as a digital file for the convenience of our customers, any abuse of that is not allowed.

*NOTE: These products are an exception to our normal terms of use shown above.  Your are allowed to email these files within your presidency.    You cannot give any of these files/products to any individual, ward or organization outside of your presidency or organization. 

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