Happy Birthday Sign- The Red Headed Hostess

I made this Happy Birthday sign last week for my Grandpa’s 80th birthday – and I loved how it turned out!  It is now officially going into the birthday decorations box and it will be conveniently pulled out for my husband’s birthday (which is convenient since our birthdays are just one day apart).
Do you think “birthday” is a hard word to say?
All this is, are letters colored and cut out and pasted on pieces of cardboard.
 I just picked a font I liked
Then I typed the letters I wanted
Then I highlighted all of them and made them really big (between 200 and 300)
Then I clicked on “font” and then checked the box that says “outline”
Then I printed them off and colored them
I wanted these to look like fabric
And I wanted all different colors
And styles
And then I cut them out.  And when I cut out the letters like the “R” over there – I just cut right through the middle part so I could get up and cut in the looped portion.  No exacto knives here.  I just glued it right back into place.
I just put them on cardboard from boxes.  And they aren’t all the same exact size
And then I taped twine onto the back.
Make sure to leave a space between “Happy” and “Birthday”
Otherwise you will say “happybirthday” and that would be unfortunate.
Here is a PDF of the lettering I used:


  1. I didn’t even realize at the party that you colored those by hand!!! I thought it was just printed paper! Good job! that takes talent!

  2. and for those of us who aren’t so good at coloring, we could print it onto 8.5 x 11 scrapbookpaper. I love your awesomeness!!! Thanks for all you do!

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